Wednesday, April 3, 2013

march wrap up

march came and went and i said nothing here. the silence just happened. not a whole lot occured worth writing about. my motivations for outfit photos has dwindled to nearly nothing. if ever i do take a pic its posted to instagram and bringing it here seems ever redundant. do you insta? you can follow me here. instagram has inadvertently gained my focus more than blogging. all these social media options make my head spin, it's too much to keep up with. my all or nothing personality gets me to be inconsistant at times. i suppose my inconsistency and lack of dedication to blogging only proves me consistent and dedicated to instagram. i have only so much social prowess to dish out. i often wonder how other women keep all the social interactions spinning without feeling obligated and burned out. as soon as i feel an obligation to a certain medium i'm immediately turned off to any desires of connecting. does this happen to you or am i the only weirdo? 















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all march had to say for itself was work and living and waiting. our venture into adoption seemed like a forgotten plan this past month. by that i mean it wasn't at the forefront of our activities. we selected our agency in February and classes aren't scheduled to begin until April 11. that left March to do nothing but paper work, not to worry, there was enough of that to keep us occupied. since april's arrival our adoption desires are becoming much more real again. as soon as we begin our classes i'm sure i'll have much more to communicate here. i just can't wait to have a baby to photograph ridiculously and blow up these pages with baby nonsense. get ready.  


  1. I always love your photos!


  2. I don't know how so many ladies can keep up with all those forms of social media. I try to but one always gets neglected. So, you're not the only one.

    Congratulations on being one step closer to parenthood! Even though I don't know you, I love when people adopt so I'm excited to follow this journey.

  3. I, too, get noncommittal once I feel required to update some form of social media. Glad I'm not the only one! But then, when I don't post, I feel guilt. Which only makes me feel more tied to it, and less wanting to post. A vicious cycle, eh? Can't wait to hear more about your adoption process!

  4. Kimberly DoblanderApril 4, 2013 at 12:50 PM

    I love your blog so much!

  5. I cant wait for all the baby nonsense either!! ;)

  6. Just got caught up on your blog. Thank you for being so honest and raw with your experience and feelings. You are so incredibly amazing and faithful. I'll be praying for you and your journey.

  7. Just found your blog, absolutely love it! You have a new follower :)

  8. Hi Corianne, thank you for following!

  9. Thank you for your prayers we appreciate it!

  10. thank you Kimberly, thats a very nice thing to say. :)

  11. haha, I totally understand that vicious cycle!! I get ya girl ;) Thank you for reading.

  12. thank you Alycia, thats kind of you.

  13. Hi Bex, I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm not even sure how! But I like it here. Your recipes are right up my alley! And the posts about infertility are close to my heart. I'll try to find you on Instagram (I am @Tatanzambe) but don't leave blogging now that I've just found you! With all the social media, blogging is the one with the most words and therefore my favorite ;)

  14. I'm not sure if this will link to my website or not, but you can find me at . My sis in law and her husband FINALLY adopted their first baby and I made a video about that story, which is on the blog. And they live in Arizona!

  15. Hey, I am the sister in law that Britney Baer wrote about. I wanted to encourage you to keep sharing. We, families who go through infertility and loss, need others like yourself to share theirs stories. We need to know others "get it" and have gone before us. I remember the early years of our infertility, I would sit and read the stepping stones, a magazine about infertility and loss. As soon as I would get it in the mail I would read the whole magazine cover to cover and cry the whole way through. It was helpful somehow. So all that to say, please keep sharing! Your story is needs to be shared. I am on instagram too but I am a new user @basilgarden :) Britney is one of the neatest people I know, I hope you stop by her blog too!!

  16. I love following you on instagram, but I did miss you here. I can't wait to see a blowup of baby pictures on your blog!

  17. thank you for following Leah! I can't wait either!! ;")

  18. Thank you for your encouragement i'm always so uplifted when i hear from women who have walked the same road i am on. I feel it somehow validates my own life and all that i'm walking through. I appreciate you reaching out to me. :)

  19. Hi Britney, thank you for commenting. I'm so glad that you stumbled your way here! I'm trying to get back to regular blog posts. trying being the word. I'll take a look at your sight and look you up in insta. thank you for sharing about your sis in law!
